Gastroenterology & Acupuncture
Dr. Bernard de Wurstemberger, Mr. Philippe ANNET
The use of acupuncture for functional digestive affections is very often beneficial because of its very action at the level of the autonomic nervous system, the main "motor" of the entire gastrointestinal tract. This book contains more than sixty digestive disorders, presented in the form of synoptic tables. For each condition, syndromes, etiopathogeny, symptoms, pulses, tongue condition, treatment principles, choice of points acupuncture as well as a Chinese pharmacopoeia formula are described.
This book groups together more than sixty digestive conditions which are presented in the form of synoptic tables. These tables describe the different syndromes of each ailment, their etiopathogeny, their symptoms, the pulses, the state of the tongue, the principles of treatment and a choice of acupuncture points as well as a Chinese pharmacopoeia formula.
The authors:
Dr. DE WURSTEMBERGER Bernard, Mr. ANNET Philippe
The authors are
ANNET Philippe
Bernard de Wurstemberger, an acupuncturist in Geneva since 1989, has participated in the writing of several books in the Lebherz Foundation collection of which he is a founding member, he was president of the Association Romande des Médecins Acupuncteurs from 1999 to 2011 and teaches acupuncture within the framework of this association. Since 2001 he has participated in acupuncture training missions for caregivers in Burkina Faso as part of Acupuncture Without Borders.
Philippe ANNET is a practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine since 1984 and founder of Acupuncture Without Borders (ASF) in 1992. He is the current president of ASF.
229 pages. Didactic and synthetic, the clinical notebooks are a mine of information for any acupuncturist wishing to go deeper into a medical field, here gastroenterology.
In accordance with the regulations, books and DVDs cannot be taken back or exchanged (Code de la Consommation). 35.00 Euro + contribution to shipping costs 0.01 euro (new legal obligation).
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