2 pc. Golden Moxa ref. MX GOLD-2
10 pc. Pure moxa rolls ref. MX MP1
100 pc. Pure mini moxa ref. MX MM2
8 pc. Smokeless Moxa rolls ref. MX MS3
100 pc. Smokeless mini moxa ref.MX MN4
100 pc. Adhesive moxa ref. MX MA5
30 g. Pure moxa powder ref. MX MW6
10 pc. Tai Yi moxa rolls ref. MX MT7
1 Moxa Extinguisher ref. MX EXT
1 Moxa lighter ref. MX TURBOFLAM
2 pc. Moxa Protection sheets ref. MX PRO
Now for Euro 69 only!
All items available at usual prices without free gift.
This kit enable you to have the necessary quantity of products for the best price to practice during your studies or to know all the products used in moxibustion.
Schools: contact us.