
MAN 87 Male model 84 cm.

Modèle d'acupuncture Homme 84 cm. points et méridiens précis, en anglais

Volume discounts

Quantity Unit price You Save
2 €99.00 €198.00
3 €95.00 €285.00
4 €90.00 €360.00
5 €88.00 €440.00
10 €85.00 €850.00
20 €83.00 €1,660.00
En stock

Male acupuncture model 84 cm = 2.75 feet Human body male model made with fiberglass, showing precise acupuncture points and meridians. 84 cm = 2.75 feet high
Packaging: - 1 unit or - 2 units Minimum order quantity: - 1 model Man 87.

MAN 87

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