EUROPA Marco Polo
Top quality traditional bimetallic single-use acupuncture needles, packed in blister packs of 5 or 10, with environmentally friendly alloy copper handle.
Blade in surgical stainless steel. Economical and environmentally friendly package. An easy-to-open blister packs for acupuncturists using a lot of needles in a day.
Favourite sizes for auriculotherapy use:
MP E07.18 (2X5) MP E09.18 (5) MP E13.18 (10) MP E13.20 (5) MP E13.26 (10)
- box of 100 needles
- carton of 5,000 needles and 20,000 needles
Minimum order quantity: - 1 box of 100 needles.
Price breaks according to quantity. For deliveries within Europe (main EC countries) price all to be unterstood all-in!