
Alternatives pour gérer le stress, le burn-out, la dépression - Dr. Daniel WUYTS

64,01 €

The Taoist Art of Sensual Massage

Stephen Russell
Jürgen Kolb

The Taoist Art of Sensual Massage reveals for the first time to the general public a system that true practitioners had discreetly passed down through the centuries. Precise instructions come to life through detailed illustrations and evocative photographs, combining to make it easy for you to master the art of Taoist pre-love massage.

Releases your life force
Gives greater confidence
Fosters relaxation and strengthens health
Increases sexual pleasure
Improves the quality of your orgasm
Revitalizes your lovemaking

Simple to practice, safe, immensely enjoyable, Taoist sensual massage is a true extension of loving caresses.

16.4 x 23.4 cm. 191 pages

